Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Clothing Statements

I've been enjoying the sayings I've been reading on people's clothing. T-shirts, jackets, etc. The sayings are printed in English but, sometimes the translations are a little hazy. The meaning is sort of there but not quite right. I think this phenomenon is very similar to the American guy who gets a tattoo using Japanese characters because they look cool and has no idea what the characters mean. It's not easy to take a photo of a person's clothing so I've had to enjoy these sayings by myself. However, today I was able to get a shot of a fairly good example of what I'm talking about.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Who'd a thought it?

I grew up in the fifties and sixties on a twenty acre piece of land in a very rural area of northern California. My father, a city slicker who moved to the country to marry my mother, was a mechanic. My mother was an artist/special education aid. Our town had a population of five hundred people and we lived two miles outside of town at the end of a long dirt road.
In contrast, three days ago I was in Bangkok, thanks to the travel that my wife's work involves, trading email addresses with a wonderful couple from England. I am enjoying opportunities to explore people, countries and culture that I would never have dreamed of one year ago. More on bangkok later after I review my pictures.