Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Off to the USA for a family visit and to celebrate the holidays. Did a little celebrating here before we left. Thanks to Nakanosan's outstanding Christmas party.

Nakanosan leading party games.
Elvis makes surprise guest appearance.
Chistmas carols and good feelings.
Marcia brightened our own house with her decorations.

Thanks to Nakanosan from the Aussie Bar for a great Christmas party and to Marcia for her home Christmas decorating.

Happy Holidays to all and to all a goodnight!
Ja mata,

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

After the Turkey

We did indeed go to our local pub for Thanksgiving dinner. We actually blended Japanese and American cultures by downing a bottle of sake before we left for the pub.

I think the scorpion on the label might have been some kind of warning, but what do we know?

Anyhow, fortified and definitely in a Thanksgiving mood we descended on Laser Rush (our pub). The dinner was everything that we could have hoped for. David, a Kentucky boy, and Kimberly kept with the Thanksgiving theme and switched to Wild Turkey. Marcia and I stayed with the sake.

Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, broccoli, and even cranberry sauce. Looks like Thanksgiving to me!

The topper on the evening was homemade pumpkin pie. Definitely homemade and absolutely delicious!

We had an absolutely great celebration. However, the evening did have a touch of poignancy to it. In addition to celebrating Thanksgiving, Marcia and I were bidding farewell to David and Kimberly. They will soon be moving to Australia. They were our friends and neighbors and helped us settle in when we first moved here.

We will miss them greatly.

Ja mata,
