We arrived back in Japan with temperatures 10 degress lower than temperatures in Buffalo and cold rain. How weird is that? This morning we awoke to bright blue beautiful skies and crisp temperatures.
Last night we eased back into Japanese culture very gradually with a dinner out at TGI Fridays. I had a southwestern caesar salad and Marcia had a cheese burger. Remember, I did say eased back in gradually. With the Japanese language swirling around me, I realized how little studying I did while I was in the States. However, I think the break was good for me. I realized that it's very easy for me to get obsessed with my studies and to create pressure to achieve goals that are unnecessay and counter productive. Learning is much easier when it's fun and relaxed versus stressed and forced. I guess that's going to be my only new year's resolution.....Don't study to the extent that I forget to explore this wonderful country and.... Stop being so impatient. I guess that's actually two resolutions. I haven't been a student since my graduate days in the eighties when I studied Sociology so I guess I should give myself some slack about this whole learning process. I keep saying that I'm going to blog more often. This time I mean it!
Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu! (Happy New Year!)
Glad that you arrived back safely and glad that you are blogging! It was great to see you during the holidays.